The Doc
Dr. Sodhi
My Role at Bloom: The Doc
Lesser Known Role: Office Bartender
Fun Fact: If it’s not spicy, it’s not worth eating.
If you could, where would you teleport to at this very moment?
To Mexico City- eating al pastor tacos at Las Cazuelitas OR, sipping wine on a roof patio on Marine Drive in Bombay.
Favorite Flower(s)?
Dahlia or Marigold, depending on the day.
A female historical figure you admire:
All freedom fighters, feminists, or fashionistas.
What can you NOT leave the house without?
Tons of hugs & kisses with promises of a speedy return to my two boys & two new puppies.
Do you have any advice, tips, or insights for our patients? What is one thing every woman can do to better her health/quality of life?
Check in with yourself daily- pay attention to who you are, how you feel; remember your goals (in life, beauty, education, career) and achieve them.